Monday, January 24, 2011

Will You Be My Valentine?

I've already raved about this site on which the Graphics Fairy shares her amazing vintage images with us. I've wasted little time getting busy using her images in various real and test projects and ideas. I couldn't resist using this Valentine image just as it looks, for a little Valentine's Day card set. I *love* this sleek colorful, sweet image with the tiny little heart on the envelope. I wanted to spice up the background just a bit, so I gathered some little origami paper pieces I had lying around and scanned them. I chose a red pattern to use as the background to bring out the blues and reds in the picture. I love the result, don't you?:

I included black crosshairs to make cutting them easy.* They would make great postcards, or provide a nice colorful surprise to a recipient if placed in a simple homemade envelope. Use magazine pages or plain red/pink paper to make the envelopes. Check out the free download for the vintage valentine's day cards here.

Now, getting away from Valentine's Day, these would make AWESOME invitations, save-the-dates or RSVP cards. You could simply white out the "To My Valentine" line and replace it with a text box with you and your partner's name on it! I may even make a sample at some point and share it here. If you have any questions about how to insert a text box, contact me, I'd be happy to help.

* On some printers, the cards print with a white border on the outside. Just cut that white part off to make the card look symmetric in border color.

Featured on:
and here.


  1. These are adorable! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Simple but meaningful looking so gorgeous i like it...
    Custom gift cards
    clear cards


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