I started this blog while planning my wedding, due to a desire to share, complain, and question all things wedding during the process. Jake and I *had* 8 months to make our wedding happen in that thrifty / quirky / lovely sort of way. It was a smashing hit and I love sharing all our tips with you, including our challenges, in the hopes of helping you learn from our mistakes and revelations.
Because I am a photographer and a freelance artist, I do many projects that are not wedding-related and will share them as well. So many of my projects can be adapted to your wedding preparation with a little effort. In all my projects, I do my best to rely on sustainable, recyclable and/or free materials I scrounge up or have donated by generous individuals, and encourage you to do the same.
Copyright: Please note: When I share something with you, I do so with the intent that you will reuse it for your personal use. You may not sell any of my work or projects. You may not use ANY PHOTOGRAPHIC images posted on this blog without my express permission or the permission of the artist. There are no exceptions to this, and all images are indicated as such, as the property and within the full copyright of Wedding Thrift. In other words, you must contact me for use of any and all images printed here, or contact the artist specified as the creator of the image, under penalty of copyright law. I take this very seriously, so don't test me.
Otherwise, please enjoy the site!